
🚀 GitHub | 2025-03-06 10:08

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🔥 今日 GitHub 热门仓库一览


1. 🐍 virattt /ai-hedge-fund

Stars: 10477 • 📈 今日新增: 902语言Python

📝 描述:An AI Hedge Fund Team

🤝 Built byvirattt, seungwonme, KittatamSaisaard, andorsk, arsaboo

2. ✨ gorhill /uBlock

Stars: 50673 • 📈 今日新增: 148语言JavaScript

📝 描述:uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.

🤝 Built bygorhill, Deathamns, chrisaljoudi, mjethani, AlexVallat

3. 🌐 hoppscotch /hoppscotch

Stars: 69298 • 📈 今日新增: 338语言TypeScript

📝 描述:Open source API development ecosystem -https://hoppscotch.io(open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)

🤝 Built byliyasthomas, AndrewBastin, jamesgeorge007, dependabot-preview, nivedin

4. 🚦 grpc-ecosystem /grpc-gateway

Stars: 18660 • 📈 今日新增: 13语言Go

📝 描述:gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec

🤝 Built byrenovate, renovate-bot, johanbrandhorst, yugui, dependabot

5. 📦 kubernetes-sigs /kubespray

Stars: 16674 • 📈 今日新增: 11语言Jinja

📝 描述:Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster

🤝 Built bymattymo, ant31, floryut, VannTen, Smana

6. 🌐 TanStack /form

Stars: 4347 • 📈 今日新增: 68语言TypeScript

📝 描述:🤖 Headless, performant, and type-safe form state management for TS/JS, React, Vue, Angular, Solid, and Lit.

🤝 Built bytannerlinsley, joepuzzo, crutchcorn, lachlancollins, Balastrong

7. 🚦 influxdata /telegraf

Stars: 15309 • 📈 今日新增: 8语言Go

📝 描述:Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data.

🤝 Built bydanielnelson, sparrc, powersj, dependabot, srebhan

8. 🐍 commixproject /commix

Stars: 5003 • 📈 今日新增: 57语言Python

📝 描述:Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection Exploitation Tool.

🤝 Built bystasinopoulos, apprentice, dnet, g0tmi1k, td4b

9. 🎯 KRTirtho /spotube

Stars: 36207 • 📈 今日新增: 121语言Dart

📝 描述:🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!

🤝 Built byKRTirtho, dependabot, karniv00l, MerkomassDev, Demizo

10. 🚦 cloudwego /eino

Stars: 1822 • 📈 今日新增: 27语言Go

📝 描述:The ultimate LLM/AI application development framework in Golang.

🤝 Built byshentongmartin, meguminnnnnnnnn, hi-pender, luohq-bytedance, N3kox

11. 🌐 cypress-io /cypress

Stars: 48351 • 📈 今日新增: 6语言TypeScript

📝 描述:Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.

🤝 Built bybrian-mann, chrisbreiding, jennifer-shehane, flotwig, bahmutov

12. 🚦 hashicorp /terraform

Stars: 44503 • 📈 今日新增: 104语言Go

📝 描述:Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.

🤝 Built byjbardin, mitchellh, apparentlymart, stack72, catsby

13. 🚦 stretchr /testify

Stars: 24158 • 📈 今日新增: 31语言Go

📝 描述:A toolkit with common assertions and mocks that plays nicely with the standard library

🤝 Built byernesto-jimenez, dolmen, tylerstillwater, brackendawson, boyan-soubachov

14. 🐍 open-mmlab /mmsegmentation

Stars: 8648 • 📈 今日新增: 9语言Python

📝 描述:OpenMMLab Semantic Segmentation Toolbox and Benchmark.

🤝 Built byxiexinch, MengzhangLI, MeowZheng, xvjiarui, Junjun2016

15. 📦 coturn /coturn

Stars: 11939 • 📈 今日新增: 8语言C

📝 描述:coturn TURN server project

🤝 Built bymisi, tyranron, mom040267, eakraly, ggarber

🌈 每日开源之旅


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